Solved – Random forest vs Adaboost

boostingmachine learningrandom forest

In section 7 of the paper Random Forests (Breiman, 1999), the author states the following conjecture: "Adaboost is a Random Forest".

Has anyone proved, or disproved this? What has been done to prove or disprove this post 1999?

Best Answer

Interesting question. A bunch of work on explaining ada boost via a few different tactics has been done since then.

I did a quick literature search and this somewhat odd paper appears to be the most recent one on the subject and also reviews a bunch of the intercedent work by Leo Breiman and others:

I have no idea if their results are valid but they claim to have failed to prove Breiman's conjecture but to have proved a weakened version of it claiming adaboost is measure preserving but not necessarily ergodic.

They also present some empirical evidence that adaboost does in fact sometimes overfit.

I think that suggests adaboost may be related to a random forest but not entirely (or not always) equivalent in the way Breiman conjectured?

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