Logistic Regression in R – Differences Between GLM and Manual Solve Logistic Regression Results

generalized linear modellogisticoptimization

I am getting different results (close but not exact the same) from R GLM and manual solving logistic regression optimization. Could anyone tell me where is the problem?

BFGS does not converge?
Numerical problem with finite precision?


# logistic regression without intercept
fit=glm(factor(vs) ~ hp+wt-1, mtcars, family=binomial())

# manually write logistic loss and use BFGS to solve

lossLogistic <- function(w){
  L=log(1+exp(-y*(x %*% w)))

opt=optim(c(1,1),lossLogistic, method="BFGS")

enter image description here

Best Answer

Short answer: Optimise harder.

Your loss function is fine, no numeric issues there. For instance you can easily check that:

all.equal( lossLogistic(coef(fit)), as.numeric(-logLik(fit)), 
           check.attributes = FALSE)
[1] TRUE

What happens is that you assume that optim's BFGS implementation can get as good as an routine that use actual gradient information - remember Fisher scoring is essentially a Newton-Raphson routine. BFGS converged ( opt$convergence equals 0) but the best of BFGS was not the best you could get because as you did not provide a gradient function the routine had to numerically approximate the gradient. If you used a better optimisation procedure that could use more gradient-like information you would get the same results. Here, because the log-likelihood is actually a very well behaved function I can even use a quadratic approximation procedure to "fake" gradient information.

optQ= minqa::uobyqa(c(1,1),lossLogistic)
all.equal( optQ$par, coef(fit), check.attributes = FALSE)
[1] TRUE
all.equal( optQ$fval, as.numeric(-logLik(fit)), 
           check.attributes = FALSE)
[1] TRUE

It works.

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