Solved – R lm simultaneous parameter tests

hypothesis testinglmrregression coefficients

Using R, I'd like to test whether multiple parameters in a regression model are
equal to specific values (by default, are multiple parameters equal to 0).

For example, in this regression model:

score ~ beta0 + beta1*i1 + beta2*i2 + beta3*age + beta4*i1*age + beta5*i2*age

I want to test H0: (beta2 = 0) and (beta5 = 0)

SAS can do this in PROC REG using the TEST statement.

SAS Program editor contents:

proc reg data=tolerate;
  model score=i1 i2 age i1age i2age;
  test i2=0, i2age=0;    * do assc prof have same reg line as asst? ;

SAS Output window contents:

       Test 1 Results for Dependent Variable score
Source             DF         Square    F Value    Pr > F
Numerator           2        0.15581       0.38    0.6859
Denominator        24        0.40678

Here's code in R that starts the analysis:

# data description:
tolerate <- read.csv("")
tolerate$rank <- factor(tolerate$rank)
tolerate$rank <- relevel(tolerate$rank, "3")

tolerate.manual <- data.frame(score = tolerate$score
                                , i1 = (tolerate$rank==1)
                            , i2 = (tolerate$rank==2)
                                , age = tolerate$age
                            , i1age = tolerate$age * (tolerate$rank==1)
                            , i2age = tolerate$age * (tolerate$rank==2)
                            ) <- lm(score ~ i1 + i2 + age + i1age + i2age, data = tolerate.manual)

I have been unable to find a solution using library multcomp, contrast, or C().
Ideally, I could do this without creating separate terms in the model, but directly from this lm() statement: <- lm(score ~ age*rank, data = tolerate)

This gets close using a Wald test, but I'm looking for the same F-test SAS uses.

library(aod) # for wald.test()
coef.test.values <- rep(0, length(coef( # typically, this will be all 0s
wald.test(b = coef( - coef.test.values
        , Sigma = vcov(
        , Terms = c(4,6))

Wald test:
Chi-squared test:
X2 = 0.77, df = 2, P(> X2) = 0.68

Thanks for considering this question.

Best Answer

Do a full and reduced test by fitting a model with all the parameters, then another model with the reduced model (leave out the terms that you want to test with 0). Then do anova(fit1,fit2) to compute the F test.

If you want to test for values other than 0 then use the offset function in the reduced formula.

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