Solved – R: Interpretation ordinal regression with clm


I have a question regarding the interpretation of an ordinal regression in R with the clm function.

I am new to this and used this formula:

RegADHD <- clm(ADHD$Score ~ ADHD$Group)

Score is a ordered factor from 0-3 (0= no symptoms, 3= maximal symptoms)

Group is a group variable with 3 categories (no exposure, less exposure, severe exposure).

With summary I get this:

              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  
ADHD$Group3   1.0422     0.4647   2.242   0.0249 *
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Threshold coefficients:
    Estimate Std. Error z value
0|1   1.3612     0.3720   3.659
1|2   2.5735     0.4465   5.764
2|3   3.3582     0.5367   6.258
(2 observations deleted due to missingness)

But I don´t really understand what is the interpretation of this coefficient?

More specifically, I struggle because I get only one value (for group 3).
These are the contrasts of group:

             2    3
    1        0   0
    2        1   0
    3        0   1

To get the odds I did:

round(exp(RegADHD$beta), 3)

This is 2.835

with(RegADHD, table(ADHD$Score, ADHD$Group))

leads to

   1   2   3
0  0   34  30
1  0   7  11
2  0   1   5
3  0   1   5

Does this mean that the probability of having a higher score (in ADHD) increases 2.835 times with being in the severe exposure group, compared with no exposure? But then I don´t know anything about less exposure… I don´t understand why I get only one coefficient!

I hope anyone can help me, I am thankful for every advice!

Best Answer

The odds ratio you have calculated is correct but your interpretation of it is not quite right. You did not tell R that Group was a factor so it has assumed it is a continuous variable with values 0, 1, 2. So the OR you have is for a unit change in Group, from 0 to 1, or from 1 to 2. I suspect that what you want to do is to change the class of Group and re-run. If you do and you still have problems then edit the new information into your question and see if someone can explain further.

With the new information we see that in fact there was nobody in the lowest Group (no exposure) so the coefficient is comparing severe with less, not with no. With that change your interpretation is correct.