Solved – R: How to to simulate ARIMA using starting values

arimartime series

I have built an ARIMA(p,d,q) model, m using say,

m <- Arima(, c(p,d,q))

Given some starting values, I want to simulate future values based on the model m. I can manually code it but there must be a way to simulate it. In arima.sim there doesn't seem to be a way to specify the starting values.

Best Answer

You can use the Arima function from the forecast package to do this

new.starting.value <- c(0.5,0.55) # or any other value you want 
new.arima.object <- Arima(new.starting.value, model = arima.model.object)
# the simulate function will give you the simulated values
simulate.Arima(new.arima.object, nsim = 40, future = T) #this will simulate 40 periods into the future
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