Solved – QQplot vs BoxPlot


I am having trouble reading my qqplots. I want to asses normality graphically before I carry out a test like shaparo test(my sample is small (<50)) . So I have two question is the qqplot better than a box plot for assessing normality and if so why.

In my analyses I carried plotted the qqplot and the points lye more or less along the line therefore we could not reject the normality assumption, but I wasn't quite sure as I found the plot hard to read so from the box plot it is very slightly skewed to the left. Any feed back on this would be much appreciated.Box Plot v QQ plot

Best Answer

With a QQ plot you show all the data points; with a box plot you lose a substantial amount of detail. So yes, QQ-plot is better for looking at normality. Just looking at the graph I would say that your variable is a bit heavy tailed, but for many applications it will be close enough to being normal.