Solved – Pros of Jeffries Matusita distance

classificationeuclideank nearest neighbour

According to some paper I am reading, Jeffries and Matusita distance is commonly used. But I couldn't find much information on it except for the formula below


It is similar to Euclidean distance except for the square root


JM distance is claimed to be more reliable than Euclidean distance in term of classification. Can anyone explain why this difference make JM distance better?

Best Answer

Some key differences, preceding a longer explanation below, are that:

  1. Crucially: the Jeffries-Matusita distance applies to distributions, rather than vectors in general.
  2. The J-M distance formula you quote above only applies to vectors representing discrete probability distributions (i.e. vectors that sum to 1).
  3. Unlike the Euclidean distance, the J-M distance can be generalised to any distributions for which the Bhattacharrya distance can be formulated.
  4. The J-M distance has, via the Bhattacharrya distance, a probabilistic interpretation.

The Jeffries-Matusita distance, which seems to be particularly popular in the Remote Sensing literature, is a transformation of the Bhattacharrya distance (a popular measure of the dissimilarity between two distributions, denoted here as $b_{p,q}$) from the range $[0, \inf)$ to the fixed range $[0, \sqrt{2}]$:

$$ JM_{p,q}=\sqrt{2(1-\exp(-b(p,q))} $$

A practical advantage of the J-M distance, according to this paper is that this measure "tends to suppress high separability values, whilst overemphasising low separability values".

The Bhattacharrya distance measures the dissimilarity of two distributions $p$ and $q$ in the following abstract continuous sense: $$ b(p,q)=-\ln\int{\sqrt{p(x)q(x)}}dx $$ If the distributions $p$ and $q$ are captured by histograms, represented by unit length vectors (where the $i$th element is the normalised count for $i$th of $N$ bins) this becomes: $$ b(p,q)=-\ln\sum_{i=1}^{N}\sqrt{p_i\cdot q_i} $$ And consequently the J-M distance for the two histograms is: $$ JM_{p,q}=\sqrt{2\left(1-\sum_{i=1}^{N}{\sqrt{p_i\cdot q_i}}\right)} $$ Which, noting that for normalised histograms $\sum_{i}{p_i}=1$, is the same as the formula you gave above: $$ JM_{p,q}=\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{N}{\left(\sqrt{p_i} - \sqrt{q_i}\right)^2}}=\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{N}{\left(p_i -2 \sqrt{p_i}\sqrt{q_i} + q_i \right)}}=\sqrt{2\left(1-\sum_{i=1}^{N}{\sqrt{p_i\cdot q_i}}\right)} $$

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