Solved – Proper way of averaging histograms


How does one go about averaging multiple histograms of a quantity $x,$ if the individual histograms do not have the same range, that is, $R_i=\text{max}(x_i)-\text{min}(x_i)$ will be different for two different $i$ values (where $i$ here is indexing over the realizations of the experiment/histogram). Only common point between them is that the bin size is fixed, $b=1.$

How can I perform the averaging whilst making sure that no discrepancy arises for values of $x$ that do not occur in all histograms (as $R_i$'s can be different)? I am interested solely in the methodology here.

Best Answer

So I've had a look around and this is the best answer I have found:

From what I understand you have to adjust the range your bins cover in every histogram so that there is a universal range for them all; $R$ instead of $R_i$. I think you can do this by creating empty bins in each histogram. Then you can just add them together and take the average normally (by dividing by the number of histograms).

Hope that helps.

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