Solved – Proof of Rejection Sampling

accept-rejectrejection sampling

I'm trying to go through the proof of rejection sampling and I found a paper ACCEPTANCE-REJECTION SAMPLING MADE EASY which provides several helpful explanations. For Lemma 2, the paper claims that if $Z$ has a uniform distribution $A$, and let $B \subset A$ and then the conditional distribution of $Z$ given $Z \in B$ is uniform in $B$. However, it does not provide proof. Can anyone help? Thanks.

Best Answer

I'll construct a proof of a simpler proposition which should make it clear how the more general one is done. Let $z \sim \text{U}(0,1)$. Then the density $p(z) = 1$ and the cumulative distribution $P(z) = z$. Now let us find the conditional distribution of $z | z < c$, i.e., $z \in (0,c)$.

Using the definition of conditional probability, $p(z|z<c)p(z<c) = p(z)$. In our case, $p(z<c) = c$ from the definition of the cumulative distribution and $p(z) = 1$ from the definition of the density. Rearranging terms gives:

$$p(z|z<c) = {p(z) \over p(z<c)} = {1 \over c}$$

Since $p(z|z<c)$ is constant for all $z$, the distribution is clearly Uniform over $(0,c)$. (The "constant for all $z$" part is why the distribution is called "Uniform", so this is really definitional.)

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