Solved – Problems with extremum of two uniform random variables

order-statisticsrandom variableself-studyuniform distribution

Here is the problem from the book:

Let $X = \min(U,V)$ and $Y = \max(U,V)$ for independent $\text{uniform}(0,1)$ variables $U$ and $V$. Find the distributions of a) $X$; b) $1-Y$; c) $Y-X$.

I know that each has density $2(1-x)$ for $0<x<1$. What I'm hoping for is an intuitive explanation of how to understand this problem and arrive at that solution without knowing the beta distribution.

Best Answer

An explanation for the result that $X$, $1-Y$, and $Y-X$ have the same distribution in this case is as follows.

First, consider a plane with coordinate axes $u$ and $v$ and let $(U,V)$ be a random point in the plane chosen according to some joint density function $f_{U,V}(u,v)$. $U$ and $V$ need not be independent random variables. Then, $$\begin{align*} P\{X > \alpha\} &= P\{\min(U,V) > \alpha\} = P\{U > \alpha, V > \alpha\},\\ P\{1-Y > \alpha\} &= P\{1-\max(U,V) > \alpha\} = P\{\max(U,V) < 1 - \alpha\}\\ &= P\{U < 1- \alpha, V < 1- \alpha\},\\ P\{Y-X > \alpha\} &= P\{\max(U,V)-\min(U,V) > \alpha\}\\ &= P\{U-V > \alpha\} + P\{V-U > \alpha\}. \end{align*}$$ These three probabilities can be found in the general case by integrating $f_{U,V}(u,v)$ over the appropriate region which can be described in the three cases respectively as

  • the northeast quadrant of the plane with southwest corner $(\alpha, \alpha)$

  • the southwest quadrant of the plane with northeast corner $(1-\alpha, 1-\alpha)$

  • the half-plane below the line $v < u - \alpha$ and the half-plane above the line $v > u + \alpha$

So much for generalities. If the random point $(U,V)$ is uniformly distributed on a region $A$ of the plane (that is, $f_{U,V}(u,v)$ is nonzero and constant for $(u,v) \in A$, $f_{U,V}(u,v) = 0$ for $(u,v) \notin A$) and $B$ is any region of the plane, then $$P\{(U,V) \in B\} = P\{(U,V) \in A\cap B\} = \frac{\mathrm{Area}(A\cap B)}{\mathrm{Area}(A)}.$$ In particular, if we can compute areas via mensuration formulas learned in school, we do not need to integrate formally.

Finally, in the special case when $A$ is the unit-area square with opposite corners $(0,0)$ and $(1,1)$, and $\alpha$ is a number between $0$ and $1$, $$\begin{align*} P\{X > \alpha\} &= P\{U > \alpha, V > \alpha\}\\ &= P\{(U,V) \in ~\mathrm{square~with~opposite~corners}~ (\alpha,\alpha) ~ \mathrm{and}~ (1,1)\\ &= (1-\alpha)^2,\\ P\{1-Y > \alpha\} &= P\{U < 1- \alpha, V < 1- \alpha\}\\ &= P\{(U,V) \in ~\mathrm{square~with~opposite~corners}~ (0,0) ~ \mathrm{and}(1-\alpha,1-\alpha)~ \\ &= (1-\alpha)^2,\\ P\{Y-X > \alpha\} &= P\{U-V > \alpha\} + P\{V-U > \alpha\}\\ &= P\{(U,V) \in ~\mathrm{triangle~with~corners}~ (\alpha,0), (1,1-\alpha) ~\mathrm{and}~(1,0)\}\\ &\quad \quad + P\{(U,V) \in ~\mathrm{triangle~with~corners}~ (0,\alpha), (1-\alpha,1) ~\mathrm{and}~(0,1)\}\\ &= \frac{1}{2}(1-\alpha)^2 + \frac{1}{2}(1-\alpha)^2 = (1-\alpha)^2.\\ \end{align*}$$ So the complementary cumulative distribution of the three random variables $X$, $1-Y$ and $Y-X$ is the same $(1-\alpha)^2$ in this case, and so the three random variables have the same density function $2(1-\alpha)$, $0 \leq \alpha \leq 1$.