Solved – Problem with Pareto distribution and R


I am trying to test this property of pareto distribution: Let f(x) be a pareto distribution

f(x)=\alpha \frac{x_m^\alpha}{x^{\alpha+1}}

so we have the cdf that is

CDF(x)=\int_{x_m}^{x}\alpha \frac{t_m^\alpha}{t^{\alpha+1}}dt=1-\frac{x_m^\alpha}{x^\alpha}

then the probability that $x>x_0$ is


and so we have


Now i am trying to test it with R.


If i plot ff


I do not obtain the correct straight line. I guess that this is due at the way density() and ecdf() works. I need this form of the test (an a posteriori evaluation of fd and cdf) in order to perform the same test on a sample of data of unknown orgin. I guess that i need a way to binning the ecdf() function in the same way as hist() is the binning version of density.

So my question is:

  • Does there exist an equivalent binned function of ecdf() as hist() is the binned function of density()?
  • or can I simulate ecdf() with hist()?

Best Answer

By using ecdf and density, you're not actually doing the Pareto calculations, but instead using estimates based on a sample that are, by their non-parametric nature, not guaranteed (read: not going to) have the desired property.

Try the following:

x <- seq(0.1,10,by=0.1)
fx <- dpareto(x, 1.5, 0.05)
Fx <- ppareto(x, 1.5, 0.05)
plot((1-Fx)/fx ~ x)

You'll get the nice straight line out: enter image description here

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