Solved – Problem with Exploratory Factor Analysis for the 7 items measuring attitude on SPSS

analysisfactor analysisspss

My factor analysis using direct oblimin keeps giving me only partial results, stating 'Attempted to extract 2 factors. In iteration 25, the communality of a variable exceeded 1.0. Extraction was terminated.'
Having inputted 7 items, two of which were reverse coded, which are together supposed to measure an attitude. However, my SPSS output shows the aforementioned statetement, only the initial communicatielies, and neither the factor nor the pattern matrix. Would anyone know what could be the solution?

Best Answer

You don't say what extraction method you're using, though as @jsakaluk implies, it's commonly maximum likelihood estimation where Heywood cases, or negative estimated residual variances, occur. This can occur for various reasons, including not enough data, too few or too many factors specified, and a generally inappropriate model. In some cases the problem may not occur if a different extraction method is used.

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