Regression – Understanding the Logistic Regression Link Function


I am trying to learn the logistic regression model. I came to know that there is no linear relationship between predictor variables and response variables since response variables are binary (dichotomous). The link function used for logistic regression is logit which is given by
\log \frac {p}{1 – p} = \beta X
This tells that the log odds is a linear function of input features. Can anyone give me the mathematical interpretation of how the above relation becomes linear i.e. how logistic regression assumes that the log odds are linear function of input features? Since I am poor at statistics, I can't understand complex mathematical answer.

Best Answer

We can rationalize this as follows:
Underlying logistic regression is a latent (unobservable) linear regression model:

$$y^* = X\beta + u$$

where $y^*$ is a continuous unobservable variable (and $X$ is the regressor matrix). The error term is assumed, conditional on the regressors, to follow the logistic distribution, $u\mid X\sim \Lambda(0, \frac {\pi^2}{3})$.

We assume that what we observe, i.e. the binary variable $y$, is an Indicator function of the unobservable $y^*$:

$$ y = 1 \;\;\text{if} \;\;y^*>0,\qquad y = 0 \;\;\text{if}\;\; y^*\le 0$$

Then we ask "what is the probability that $y$ will take the value $1$ given the regressors (i.e. we are looking at a conditional probability). This is

$$P(y =1\mid X ) = P(y^*>0\mid X) = P(X\beta + u>0\mid X) = P(u> - X\beta\mid X) \\= 1- \Lambda (-Χ\beta) = \Lambda (X\beta) $$

the last equality due to the symmetry property of the logistic cumulative distribution function.

So we have obtained the basic logistic regression model

$$p=P(y =1 \mid X) = \Lambda (X\beta) = \frac 1 {1+e^{-X\beta}}$$

After that, the other answers give you how we manipulate this expression algebraically to arrive at $$\log \frac {p}{1 - p} = X\beta $$

It is therefore the initial linear assumption/specification related to the Latent variable $y^*$, that leads to this last relation to hold.

Note that $\log \frac {p}{1 - p}$ is not equal to the latent variable $y^*$ but rather $y^* = \log \frac {p}{1 - p} + u$

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