Solved – Probability of visiting all other states before return


Question (a)

Random walk on a clock. Consider the numbers $1, 2, \dots, 12$ written around a clock. Consider a Markov chain that jumps with equal probability to one of the two adjacent numbers each step.

  • What is the expected number of steps that $X_n$ will will take to return to its starting position?

(My Work)

From a result in class, we know that a doubly stochastic transition matrix $p$ for a Markov Chain with $12$ states has the uniform distribution $\pi(x) = 1/12$ for all $x$ as a stationary distribution. We also know that if the chain is irreducible and there exists a stationary distribution (both hypotheses are satisfied) $\pi(y) = {1\over E_yT_y}$, so the expected time of first return ($E_yT_y$) is 12.

Question (b)

  • What is the probability that $X_n$ will visit all of the other states before returning to its starting position?

My Question

I am not sure how to compute this probability. My first intuition was to consider $P(T_y > 12)$, but further considering the problem, this seems incorrect because the chain does not have to visit all states before move 12.

Best Answer

This looks like homework so I'm trying to give a hint, not a solution.

For part (b), you definitely want to use the structure of the graph. Without loss of generality suppose you start at $12$ and your first step is to $1$. Can you say what the probability is that you hit $11$ before you hit $12$?

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