Solved – Probability distribution for heavy zero, right skewed data

distributionsmultiple regressionprobabilityr

My question is almost identical to this one. I'm searching for a probability distribution for skewed data that allows for zeros. The purpose is to fit a GLM model. My data on species-area distributions are heavy right skewed. Additional variables are "partitioned area" according to latitude- so area in tropical and temperate zones, thus the data now includes zeros.

So my question is; is there a probability distribution, e.g. similar to the log-normal, but which allows for zeros?

Any pointers would be highly appreciated.


Histograms of my area data

enter image description here

Best Answer

The tweedie distribution is in the exponential family, hence can be used in a GLM context, and it allows for the occurrence of zeroes in the response variable. You could see if this suits your purpose.