Solved – Probability density function between -1 and 1

distributionsnormal distribution

I'm currently using Gaussian distribution as a mutation operator for my genetic algorithm. However, I only want to obtain values between -1 and 1. I also don't wish to truncate my Gaussian distribution, which leaves me with lots of 1's and -1's.

What type of probability density function can I use to obtain values between -1 and 1, based on a mean value between -1 and 1?

Here's an image for the distribution that I'm looking for with mean values of 0, -0.5, and 0.5:

Distribution Function

Best Answer

A beta distribution seems to suit your needs, but you'll have to perform a transformation in order to change its $(0,1)$ (finite) support to $(-1,1)$ support.

Let $X$ be distributed with a beta distribution, then the random variable $Y$ given by the transformation $$Y=(b-a)X+a$$ is beta distributed and the PDF has finite support in $(a,b)$. In your case, $a=-1$ and $b=1$. The PDF of this linear transformation is given by:$$p(Y=y|\alpha,\beta,a,b)=f\left(\frac{y-a}{b-a}\right)\frac{1}{b-a},$$ where $f(x)$ is the PDF of the beta distribution given in the wiki page that I cited, and $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are it's parameters. In your case, with $a=-1$ and $b=1$ we get: $$p(Y=y|\alpha,\beta)=\frac{1}{2}f\left(\frac{y+1}{2}\right).$$

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