Solved – Predictive Modelling in R


I am new to R and I am trying to do some predictive modelling on data set which has 16 feature variables and the target value is numeric in R. I am not sure if the steps I am following will help me to fit the model in the best possible way.

  1. Handling the missing values: The data had a lot of missing values, so I replaced it with the mean of the column. Is this a right way to handle missing values?
  2. Used Stepwise Regression to select the right set of most predictive variables in a model. Is there any better way to decide the variables than Stepwise regression.
  3. After deciding the variables, I used glm() function to fit the model.

Can someone please help me to understand the process of predictive modeling in R.

I was actually following the below document to get a sense of predictive modelling.

Best Answer

This is a very broad and very basic question so I will recommend a very broad and basic book - but one that addresses your question thoroughly:

Predictive Analytics For Dummies by Anasse Bari, Mohamed Chaouchi, Tommy Jung

See especially Chapter 14: Predictive Modeling with R

Hope that helps to get you started...

Concerning your comment the following two resources a also well worth a look:

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