Solved – Predicting daily electricity load – fitting time series

arimapredictive-modelsrregressiontime series

I want to predict inter-day electricity load. My data are electricity loads for 11 months, sampled in 30 minute intervals. I also got the weather-specific data from a meteorological station (temperature, relative humidity, wind direction, wind speed, sunlight). From this, I want to predict the electricity load until the end of the day.

I can run my algorithm until 10:00 of the present day and after that it should give the prediction of loads in 30 minute intervals. So, it should tell the load at 10:30, 11:00, 11:30 and so on until 24:00.

My first attempt was to create a linear model in R.

BP.TS <- ts(Buying.power, frequency = 48)
a <- data.frame(
Time, BP.TS, Weekday, Pressure, Temperature, RelHumidity, AvgWindSpeed, AvgWindDirection, MaxWindSpeed, MaxWindDirection, SunLightTime,
m, Buying.2dayago, AfterHolidayAndBPYesterday8, MovingAvgLast7DaysMidnightTemp
a <- a[(6*48+1):nrow(a),]

start = 9716
steps.ahead = 21
for (i in 1:10) {
    train <- a[1:(start+(i-1)*48),]
    test <- a[((i-1)*48+start+1):((i-1)*48+start+steps.ahead),]
    summary(reg <- lm(log(BP.TS)~., data=train, na.action=NULL))
    pred <- exp(predict(reg, test))

    plot(test$BP.TS, type="o")
    lines(pred, col=2)
    cat("MAE", mean(abs(test$BP.TS - pred)), "\n")

This is not very succesful. Now I try to model the data with ARIMA. I used auto.arima() from the forecast package. These are the results I got:

> auto.arima(BP.TS)
Series: BP.TS 

Call: auto.arima(x = BP.TS) 

         ar1      ar2     ma1    sar1     sma1    sma2
      1.1816  -0.2627  -0.554  0.4381  -1.2415  0.3051
s.e.  0.0356   0.0286   0.033  0.0952   0.0982  0.0863

sigma^2 estimated as 256118:  log likelihood = -118939.7
AIC = 237893.5   AICc = 237893.5   BIC = 237947

Now if I try something like:

reg = arima(train$BP.TS, order=c(2,0,1), xreg=cbind(
train$X1, train$X2, train$X3, train$X4, train$X5, train$X6, train$X7, train$X8, train$X9, 
train$X11, train$X12, train$X13, train$X14, train$X15, train$X16, train$X17, train$X18, 

p <- predict(reg, n.ahead=21, newxreg=cbind(
test$X1, test$X2, test$X3, test$X4, test$X5, test$X6, test$X7, test$X8, test$X9, 
test$X11, test$X12, test$X13, test$X14, test$X15, test$X16, test$X17, test$X18, 

plot(test$BP.TS, type="o", ylim=c(6300,8300))
plot(p$pred, col=2, ylim=c(6300,8300))
cat("MAE", mean(p$se), "\n")

I get even worse results. Why? I ran out of ideas, so please help. If there is additional information I need to give, please ask.

Best Answer

I've played around with electrical demand models, and I can tell you that it's a good idea to start "zoomed out". Each region has its own characteristics, but the general idea is the same.

Electric demand is a function of many variables. Starting with the slowest moving terms.

  1. General Economic Activity is the slowest moving term (typically the 3 to 8 year time frame). This term is typically related to Gross Domestic Product for the area. Electrical Demand may generally grow faster than GDP, but the electrical demand "ups" during good economic times, and demand "downs" during recessions provide an obvious link to GDP. See the blue line in the first graph below.

  2. Next, is the Seasonal Term (annual time frame). For instance in the U.S., the Summer Peak shows up in August, the Winter Peak shows up in January, the Spring Trough shows up in April and the Fall Trough shows up in November. See the red line in top two graphs below. In the second graph, I have shown the Seasonal Term to be constant for each month, but you can easily improve that by a linear or non-linear relationship for each month (monthly time frame).

  3. You are now down to the daily time frame. The bottom graph shows the Electrical Demand for Texas for one 24 hour period (12/22/2010). The Day-time Peak was at 7:00PM (19:00) and the Night-time Trough was at 4:00AM (04:00). This time frame is where you want to consider holidays, weekends, weather, etc. However, keep in mind that those other variables (in 1 and 2 above) are also affecting your results.

So, from your description, you have data for 11 months. Look at the first graph below and assume that you have data for 11 months. Is that enough to get an idea of the Seasonal Term for the year? I would use a minimum of 10 years of monthly data to get a feel for the Seasonal Term. The idea here is to tweek the structure of your daily model differently during months of "rapid seasonal change" versus months of "slow seasonal change".

Next, I would play around with the size and structure of the "data window" that you will use to estimate your daily model. For example, will you get a better daily model if you include daily fall and winter data when estimating a summer daily model? Or, is it better to use 10 rescaled "summer data windows", one for each year in 10 years of data, when estimating a summer daily model?

Once you get all of the deterministic terms working well, then, and only then would I go after the ARIMA terms.

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