Solved – Post-hoc test in two-way ANOVA


I am doing a two-way independent ANOVA using type of organisational change (5 levels) and job level (7 levels) within the organisation as the factors (in SPSS). I followed Andy Field's procedure (Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, third edition) and I cannot manage to get the option of Post-Hoc tests for cases where equal variance is not assumed, i.e. Games-Howell.

I searched the syntax help files and somewhere there's a note saying that when using more than one factor Games-Howell cannot be performed. However, Andy Field did it! (please see page 434 of his book). Any ideas how can I do the same?

Best Answer

I'm not sure whether there's a better way but perhaps you can run one-way anovas on factor 1 for each category group of factor 2 separately?

You would use split files ... for this.

Try it and see whether that duplicates Andy's results.

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