Solved – Pooled data in regression analysis


I am performing my research on the most active 50 companies for a period of 5 years. The most active 50 companies change every year. I want to determine how my dependent variable is impacted by the explanatory variables without regarding the time and the companies. So can I just pool all the data as one group and run my regression.

Best Answer

Pooled OLS regressions in the case of Panel Data are usually frowned upon.First, if the conditional exogeneity condition holds, that is: $$ E[(\alpha_{i}+u_{it}|X_{it})]=0 $$ holds, then you might as well use a random effects estimator (In the above expression, $\alpha_{i}$is the time invariant, individual specific nuisance paramter and $u_{it}$ is the general error term) Random Effects estimator is a GLS type estimator and is more efficient that the pooled OLS estimator. In many cases, however , this condition does not hold. As such, people invoke a Fixed Effects estimator that effectively removes the nuisance paramter and uses within subject-over time variation. You can actually 'test' the condition by conducting a Hausmann test, which tests the weighted "squared'' difference between the fixed effect and random effects estimators. If you reject the null, you are better off using a fixed effects estimator. In any case, it is weakly better to use a Randome effects estimator than a pooled OLS one.

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