Solved – Plotting results having only mean and standard deviation

barplotdata visualizationdescriptive statisticsmeanstandard deviation

I am trying to visualize an appropriate plot for the observations in this table of means and standard deviations of recall scores:

\begin{array} {c|c c|c c|}
& \text{Control} & & \text{Experimental} & \\
& \text{Mean} & \text{SD} &\text{Mean} &\text{SD} \\
\text{Recall} & 37 & 8 & 21 & 6 \\

What is is the best way to do that? Is bar chart a good way to do it? How can I illustrate the standard deviation in that case?

Best Answer

Standard deviation on bar graphs can be illustrated by including error bars in them.

The visualization(source) below is an example of such visualization:

enter image description here

From a discussion in the comments below, having only the error whiskers instead of the error bars setup seems a better way to visualize such data. So, the graph can look somewhat like this:

enter image description here