Solved – Plotting regression predictors

data visualizationrregression

In the case of multiple regression where I have dependent variable Y and two predictors X1 and X2 I would like to make a plot of their relationship before fitting a regression, however the plot function only allows the plotting of two variables at a time. for example plot(x, y) how can I look at the overall data then?

Best Answer

In an instance like this, I would probably use ggplot2, as it excels at this kind of thing.

Assuming that your variables are Y, X1 and X2.

myplot<- ggplot(yourdataframe, aes(x=X1, y=Y, colour=X2))+layer(geom="point")

That will plot X1 against Y with different colours representing values of X2. You can also call geom="smooth", method="lm" to get a plot of the regression line, and loess smoothers are also available. HTH.

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