Solved – plateau-shaped distribution

distributionsnormal distributionuniform distribution

I am looking for a distribution where the probability density decreases quickly after some point away from the mean, or in my own words a "plateau-shaped distribution".

Something in between the Gaussian and the uniform.

Best Answer

You may be looking for distribution known under the names of generalized normal (version 1), Subbotin distribution, or exponential power distribution. It is parametrized by location $\mu$, scale $\sigma$ and shape $\beta$ with pdf

$$ \frac{\beta}{2\sigma\Gamma(1/\beta)} \exp\left[-\left(\frac{|x-\mu|}{\sigma}\right)^{\beta}\right] $$

as you can notice, for $\beta=1$ it resembles and converges to Laplace distribution, with $\beta=2$ it converges to normal, and when $\beta = \infty$ to uniform distribution.

enter image description here

If you are looking for software that has it implemented, you can check normalp library for R (Mineo and Ruggieri, 2005). What is nice about this package is that, among other things, it implements regression with generalized normally distributed errors, i.e. minimizing $L_p$ norm.

Mineo, A. M., & Ruggieri, M. (2005). A software tool for the exponential power distribution: The normalp package. Journal of Statistical Software, 12(4), 1-24.

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