Splines – Piecewise Linear Regression with Knots as Parameters

piecewise linearregressionsplines

I would like to fit a piecewise linear regression with knots as parameters. I would like to know what's the best solution.

  • Should I run a set of regressions with all the possible knots and choosing the knots which could minimize an information criterion such as AIC (Akaike Information Criterion)?
  • If that's the best solution, how can I compute standard errors for my estimates?

Best Answer

Making the knots free parameters in the model turns the problem into a complex one not amenable to using standard estimation software. Computation of standard errors becomes very complex. Linear splines are very sensitive to where the knots are placed, and model "elbows" that are unlikely to be real unless $X=$ calendar time. Cubic splines have the advantages of (1) not having elbows because they have 3 orders of continuity, and (2) giving similar fits even if you move the knots around. Thus you can usually set knots based on quantiles of $X$ and not make knot estimation part of the optimization problem. Restricting the cubic regression splines to be linear in the tails (beyond the outer knots), called natural splines or restricted cubic splines, reduces the number of parameters to estimate and makes for more realistic fits.

This approach allows you to use standard estimation and hypothesis testing tools and does not require any special regression fitting functions, once you create the design matrix. Much more information is at Handouts under http://biostat.mc.vanderbilt.edu/CourseBios330. Once you fit the restricted cubic spline you can plot it along with confidence bands (which are obtained using standard methods also) and see slope changes. If you have special knowledge of regions of volatility you can put two knots closer together in that pre-specified region of $X$.

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