Solved – Partial correlation plot, split by groups SPSS


Is it possible to illustrate partial correlation scatter plots for 2 subgroups on the same graph?

e.g. I want to make scatter plots of data controlled for age, differentiated by males or females.

I've tried doing partial regression plots generated by linear regression analysis, but I can't split it by groups.

Options to do it in excel or R would be fine too. Thanks!

Best Answer

Here is some code for how you could do it in R:

#Psuedo Data
group1 = rnorm(100)
group2 = rnorm(100)
response = rnorm(100)

     ylab="Response Variable",xlab="Independent Variable")

#Adding a legend if desired
legend("topright",c("Group 1","Group 2"),pch=19,col=c("deepskyblue","red"),bg="white")

Which then generates the following plot: enter image description here

You could obviously add your own aesthetic touched but this should give you the general idea.

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