Solved – Parameter estimation with generalized linear models

estimationgeneralized linear modelmaximum likelihoodoptimizationr

By default when we use a glm function in R, it uses the iteratively reweighted least squares (IWLS) method to find the maximum likelihood estimation the parameters. Now I have two questions.

  1. Does IWLS estimations guarantee the global maximum of the likelihood function? Based on the last slide in this presentation, I think it does not! I just wanted to make sure of that.
  2. Can we say that the reason for question 1 above is because of the fact that almost all the numerical optimization methods may stuck at a local maximum rather than a global maximum?

Best Answer

You are correct that in general, IWLS, like other numerical optimization methods, can only guarantee convergence to a local maximum, if they even converge. Here's a nice example where the starting value was outside the convergence domain for the algorithm used by glm() in R. However, it is worth noting that for GLMs with the canonical link, the likelihood is concave, see here. Thus, if the algorithm converges, it will have converged to the global mode!

The last issue pointed out in the slide is a problem where the MLE for a paramter is at infinity. This can occur in logistic regression where there exists complete separation. In such a case, you will get a warning message that the fitted probabilities are numerically 0 or 1. It's important to note that when this occurs, the algorithm has not converged to the mode, thus this does not have to do with the algorithm being stuck in a local maximum.

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