Solved – Paired versus unpaired t-test


Suppose I have 20 mice. I pair the mice in some way, so that I get 10 pairs. For the purpose of this question, it could be a random pairing, OR it could be a sensible pairing, like trying to pair mice from the same litter, of the same sex, with similar weight, OR it could be a deliberately stupid pairing like trying to pair mice with weights as unequal as they could possibly be. I then use random numbers to assign one mouse in each pair to the control group and the other mouse to the to-be-treated group. I now do the experiment, treating only the to-be-treated mice, but otherwise paying no attention whatsoever to the arrangements just made.

When one comes to analyze the results, one could either use unpaired t-testing or paired t-testing. In what way, if any, will the answers differ? (I'm basically interested in systematic differences of any statistical parameter that needs to be estimated.)

The reason I ask this is that a paper I was recently involved with was criticized by a biologist for using a paired t-test rather than an unpaired t-test. Of course, in the actual experiment, the situation was not as extreme as the situation I've sketched, and there were, in my opinion, good reasons for pairing. But the biologist didn't agree.

It seems to me that it's not possible to incorrectly improve statistical significance (decrease p-value), in the circumstances I sketched, by using a paired t-test, rather than an unpaired test, even if it is inappropriate to pair. It could however worsen statistical significance if mice were badly paired. Is this right?

Best Answer

I agree with the points that both Frank and Peter make but I think there is a simple formula that gets to the heart of the issue and may be worthwhile for the OP to consider.

Let $X$ and $Y$ be two random variables whose correlation is unknown.

Let $Z=X-Y$

What is the variance of $Z$?

Here is the simple formula: $$ \text{Var}(Z)=\text{Var}(X) + \text{Var}(Y) - 2 \text{Cov}(X,Y). $$ What if $\text{Cov}(X,Y)>0$ (i.e., $X$ and $Y$ are positively correlated)?

Then $\text{Var}(Z)\lt \text{Var}(X)+\text{Var}(Y)$. In this case if the pairing is made because of positive correlation such as when you are dealing with the same subject before and after intervention pairing helps because the independent paired difference has lower variance than the variance you get for the unpaired case. The method reduced variance. The test is more powerful. This can be dramatically shown with cyclic data. I saw an example in a book where they wanted to see if the temperature in Washington DC is higher than in New York City. So they took average monthly temperature in both cities for say 2 years. Of course there is a huge difference over the course of the year because of the four seasons. This variation is too large for an unpaired t test to detect a difference. However pairing based on the same month in the same year eliminates this seasonal effect and the paired $t$-test clearly showed that the average temperature in DC tended to be higher than in New York. $X_i$ (temperature at NY in month $A$) and $Y_i$ (temperature in DC in month $A$) are positively correlated because the seasons are the same in NY and DC and the cities are close enough that they will often experience the same weather systems that affect temperature. DC may be a little warmer because it is further south.

Note that the large the covariance or correlation the greater is the reduction in variance.

Now suppose $\text{Cov}(X,Y)$ is negative.

Then $\text{Var}(Z) \gt \text{Var}(X)+\text{Var}(Y)$. Now pairing will be worse than not pairing because the variance is actually increased!

When $X$ and $Y$ are uncorrelated then it probably doesn't matter which method you use. Peter's random pairing case is like this situation.