Solved – p-value with multimodal PDF of a test statistic

hypothesis testingmathematical-statisticsp-value

I have opened a thread about p-value under the title "Understanding p-value" and gotten two answers and some comments. I think my questions in the thread is somewhat diverse and want to clarify my question more explicitly based on the discussion in the thread. Two different definitions of the p-value were suggested in the thread.

definition 1

The p-value is $\int_{\{x\,:\,f(x) \le f(x_o)\}} f$.

definition 2

The p-value is $\int_{\{x\,:\,x_o \le x\}} f$.

In both of the definition, $f$ is the PDF of a chosen test statistic under the null hypothesis and $x_o$ is the observed value of the test statistic. I think the two definitions are clear and complete enough. (The p-value concerns data, a null hypothesis and a chosen statistic only. It does not concern the alternative hypothesis or other things.)

The role of the p-value is to quantify how likely the observation is under the null hypothesis. Small p-value means the observed data is weird (ie. unlikely) under the null hypothesis and the assumed null hypothesis should be rejected.

The definition 1 measures this weirdness in terms of $f(x_o)$, the probability density of the observed test statistic. So the definition integrates $f$ over the values of the test statistic that have smaller probability density (ie. more weird) than the observed one.

The definition 2 measures the weirdness in terms of the distance of $x_o$ from the most likely value of the test statistic, if the most likely value is well defined. So the definition integrates $f$ over the values from the observed one to tail (ie. more weird region).

If $f$ is unimodal, both of the two definitions seem reasonable. If $f$ is multimodal, however, I think the definition 2 is not reasonable. For an example, let's assume that $f$ is bimodal and $x_o$ is somewhere in the low probability density region between the two peaks. Then the most likely value is not well defined and the distance of $x_o$ from the most likely value cannot be reasonable measure of the weirdness. The p-value calculated along the definition 2 may be very large, whereas the observation $x_o$ is obviously weird because of its low probability density. The definition 1 still works in this case as it gives small p-value.

I am not a statistician and I don't know which one of the definitions is "the right one" that statisticians usually use. Most of the materials I have seen before explain p-value in the sense of the definition 2. But, I encountered the definition 1 in Zag's answer of the old thread for the first time and was persuaded. What is the exact definition of the p-value? If it is not the definition 1, I'd like to know rationale for the right one and shortcomings of the definition 1.

Best Answer

I think all this is way too much "p-value centered".

You have to remember what tests are really about: rejecting a null hypothesis with a given value for the α risk. The $p$-value is just a tool for this. In the most general situation, you have build a statistic $T$ with known distribution under the null hypothesis ; and to chose a rejection region $A$ so that $\mathbb P_0(T \in A) = \alpha$ (or at least $\le \alpha$ is equality is impossible). P-values are just a convenient way to chose $A$ in many situations, saving you the burden of making a choice. It's an easy recipe, that’s why is so popular, but you shouldn’t forget about what’s going on.

As $p$-values are computed from $T$ (with something like $p = F(T)$ they are also statistics, with uniform $\mathcal U(0,1)$ distribution under the null. If they behave well, they tend to have low values under the alternative, and you reject the null when $p \le\alpha$. The rejection region $A$ is then $A = F^{-1}( (0,\alpha) )$.

OK, I waved my hands long enough, it’s time for examples.

A classical situation with a unimodal statistic

Assume that you observe $x$ drawn from $\mathcal N(\mu,1)$, and want to test $\mu = 0$ (two-sided test). The usual solution is to take $t = x^2$. You know $T \sim \chi^2(1)$ under the null, and the p-value is $p = \mathbb P_0( T \ge t)$. This generates the classical symmetrical rejection region shown below for $\alpha = 0.1$. blue area = 0.1

In most situations, using the $p$-value leads to the "good" choice for the rejection region.

A fancy situation with a bimodal statistic

Assume that $\mu$ is drawn from an unknown distribution, and $x$ is drawn from $\mathcal N(\mu,1)$. Your null hypothesis is that $\mu = -4$ with probability $1\over 2$, and $\mu = 4$ with probability $1\over 2$. Then you have a bimodal distribution of $X$ as displayed below. Now you can't rely on the recipe: if $x$ is close to 0, let’s say $x = 0.001$... you sure want to reject the null hypothesis.

So we have to make a choice here. A simple choice will be to take a rejection region of the shape $$ A = (-\infty, -4-a) \cup (-4+a, 4-a) \cup (4+a, \infty) $$ width $0< a$, as displayed below (with the convention that if $a \ge 4$, the central interval is empty). The natural choice is in fact to take a rejection region of the form $A = \{ x \>:\> f(x) < c \}$ where $f$ is the density of $X$, but here it is almost the same.

After a few computations, we have $\newcommand{\erf}{F}$ $$\mathbb P( X \in A ) = \erf(-a)+\erf(-8-a) + \mathbf 1_{\{a<4\}} \left( \erf(8-a)-\erf(a)\right) $$ where $F$ is the cdf of a standard gaussian variable. This allows to find an appropriate threshold $a$ for any value of $\alpha$. blue area = 0.1 Now to retrieve a $p$-value that give an equivalent test, from an observation $x$, one take $a = \min( |4-x|, |-4-x| )$, so that $x$ is at the border of the corresponding rejection region ; and $p = \mathbb P( X \in A )$, with the above formula.

Post-Scriptum If you let $T = \min( |4-X|, |-4-X| )$, you transform $X$ into a unimodal statistic, and you can take the $p$-value as usual.

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