Solved – Oversampling a multi-labeled data set


Given a data set where each individual data point can be assigned to more than 1 class (a multi-class, multi-label data set), are there any guidelines for calculating oversampling weights, i.e., the probability with which you sample a data point based on the frequencies of the labels within the data set?

This is in the context of multi-label classification; I have a very imbalanced data set.

An obvious answer would be to calculate the weight for each label as the inverse frequency (i.e. 1 / total_number_of_label_appearances), then average up the weights for a given data point; though I'm unsure if there's any better approaches.

Best Answer

Calculating the weight for each label as the inverse frequency, then average up the weights for a given data point is done like so with pandas in Python:

from itertools import chain
from collections import Counter
import pandas as pd

def oversample(df, len_mult=2, random_state=0) -> pd.DataFrame:
    value_counts = Counter(chain(*df[label_col].dropna()))
    weights = 1 / df[label_col].map(
        lambda li: sum(map(value_counts.get, li)) / len(li), na_action='ignore'
    # Fill in average weight for rows w/o labels
    weights.fillna(weights.sum() / weights.count(), inplace=True)
    extra_df = df.sample(
        len(df) * (len_mult-1), replace=True, weights=weights, random_state=random_state
    df = pd.concat([df, extra_df])
    return df

df = pd.DataFrame([['x1', [3,4,5]], ['x2', [0,3]]], columns=['x','y'])
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