Solved – Optimization vs Brute-force. What is the difference



I've recently discovered that a brute-force algorithm is much faster at solving an optimal solution than the optimization routine for a particular problem I've been working on. This is mainly because the number of possible solutions is rather small ($2^{12}=4096$), but it has made me question whether computing power is no longer a limitation in optimization routines.

If the problem can be reduced to a minimization of all possible solutions then what is the difference between optimization routines and brute-force algorithms? From a theoretical standpoint, is it best to optimize the functional form? Or from a practical standpoint, and under limited constraints of solutions, is it best to solve for all solutions and minimize?


For simplicity, let's assume the functional form for an optimization problem is:

$$f(x, a) = (x – a)^2$$

We can then solve this by minimizing the function over all possible solutions where $x \in \{0,1\}$ and $a = 1/3$. Solving for $x$ shows that,

$$\frac{df(x,a)}{dx} = 2(x- \frac{1}{3}) = 0$$

The solution for this problem after optimizing is: $x=0.33$ and $f(x,a) =1.111111e-05 $


In R this is rather simple to produce.


f <- function (x, a) (x - a)^2
xmin <- optimize(f, c(0, 1), tol = 0.01, a = 1/3)

> $minimum
[1] 0.3333333

[1] 0

Brute-force algorithm

dat <- data.frame(x = rang, f = rep(0, length(rang)))
rang <- seq(0,1,0.01)
a <- 1/3

for (i in 1:length(rang)){
  dat$f[i] <- f(rang[i], a)
opt <- min(dat$f)
loc <- which(dat$f == opt)
print(paste("minimum: ", dat$x[loc]))

[1] "minimum:  0.33"

Best Answer

Brute force only works on certain special cases and optimization is a general technique to solve "more realistic" problems.

Here is a small demo: if we add one small change in your problem, the brute force will "fail". Suppose the tuning parameter $x$ is a vector that has $10$ dimensions. Then, the brute force will have huge search space (if using fixed grid the search space grows exponentially with respect to the length of $x$), but the gradient in optimization will provide the "direction" to go.

The intuition is that:

  • Brute force will check everything and choose the best place to go.
  • Gradient will make sure every step is effective, i.e., will reduce the loss and have a better solution after the iteration.
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