Solved – Optimization of multiple objective functions with constraints


I have a number of objective functions like:

y1 = a11* x11 + a12*x11*x11+ a13*x12+.......
y2 = a21* x21 + a22*x21*x21+ a23*x22+.......

These are multiple objective functions. However, the constraints of the objective functions have dependency on each other.
Something like,

x11+ x21 + x22 < const1
x12 + x21 > const2


What is the way to optimize such a system of equations? I would ideally like to use R to do the same?

y1 = 0.32 x1 + 0.21 x1*x1 + 0.49 x2… y2… y3 . . . The equations that i have is a non-linear function. These are non-linear regression equations or non-linear Market Mix Models. The x's are TV spend, Digital Spend etc. I want to 'include' all these models, use some constraints on them and optimize the spends in all the models with respect to constraints like…x1 (TV spend) < 100, TV + Digital spend < 500. I want to be able to say that of an amount of 100, i should spend, 30 on model 1, 20 on model 2( equation 2) etc

Best Answer

If your problem is a multiobjective optimization problem with constraints, and both the objectives and/or constraints are nonlinear/ non convex in nature then an appropriate method of choice is evolutionary multiobjective optimization method. Click here for the list of reference and methods that can be used for your problem.

In terms of software,

  • I'm familiar with Global optimization toolbox in Matlab has a multiobjective evolutionary solver than can handle linear constraints.
  • $R$ has an excellent package called MCO that is multiobjective optimization solver that handles both linear and nonlinear constraints. I have had excellent results using this package.

Both the aforementioned software implements Deb's a very popular NSGAII algorithm.

Please tell us if you succeed in using these for your problem and if you have any questions.

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