Solved – Optimal Alpha value in Ridge Regression

regressionridge regression

I've tried searching for answers on this site, but I've not found a clear answer.
I have a dataset with around 9471 observations and 10 attributes. I wish to fit a Ridge Regression model, and figure out what the optimal Alpha I should finally end up using in the model. I could try a range of values from 0 to 10.

What metric should I use when I compare models of different alpha values? How do I know which is better, i.e which model has a more optimal alpha? How should I go about finding this optimal alpha?

Best Answer

As Richard mentions, you can use cross validation. Another option which does not require that you do a K-fold cross-validation is generalized cross validation. See e.g., the smooth.spline function in R or the mgcv package in R (and the book by Simon Wood). Particularly, see the H argument in the gam function in the mgcv package.

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