Solved – One-Sample Log-rank test statistic


Ok, I am totally confused, this is probably a pure math rather than a statistic question but please enlighten me.

I found the logrank statistic formula being reported in the literature in 2 ways, but I am not sure which one is correct. When I plug the same number in both formula, i get different results for the chi-square.

Which one should I use?

$O$ = total of observed events

$E$ = total of expected events

  1. $$\frac{(O-E)^2}{E} $$

  2. $$\frac{O-E}{\sqrt{E}}$$

Which one should be used? The main reason I am asking is because when I apply the weights (W) as in the formula below, it looks like the weights are being cancelled out:

one-sample logrank statistic

Best Answer

enter image description here

Just read this paragraph from the same page of your book and remember that square of a standard normal distribution is a chi-square distribution. Therefore the two tests are equivalent. You can use any of them.

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