Solved – ny library for least absolute deviation (LAD) regression with regularization terms


We know that LASSO and ridge and ElasticNet all apply regularization terms on the coefficients of least squares regression. However, I have not yet found any R / python libraries that compute regularization of of Least Absolute Deviation (LAD):

$$\sum |y-X\beta|+\lambda||\beta||$$

using either the $l1$ norm (equivalent of LASSO) or $l2$ norm (equivalent of ridge). Does it make sense to apply regularization to LAD?

Best Answer

Check out rqPen and hqreg packages in R which claim to perform quantile regression with lasso and elastic net respectively. Maybe you know this already but least absolute deviation regression is median regression or quantile regression at the 50% percentile. Minimizing the absolute deviation results in the median (with potential problem of multiple solutions), same as minimizing the squared deviation results in the mean.

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