Solved – Numerical Example of Independent Component Analysis

exampleindependent component analysismathematical-statistics

Can somebody explain ICA(Independently Component Analysis) with a small practical example over here.
I have seen lot of programs and libraries written and you can just apply that to your data to find ICA components. One such library is famous python FastICA?

There is a whole Book on ICA, some Tutorial on ICA , some nicely explained PPT on ICA and some Practical Use of ICA to remove ECG artifacts But none of those references gave some practical small example to explain those mathematical concepts behind the ICA stepwise.

It would be I am sure very useful for beginners like me to understand the step wise mathematics of the ICA as just applying library is not enough for deep understanding if ICA.


I really appreciate the effort if somebody could do that using famous fastICA algorithm and explaining step by the step the mathematics involved in that with evidence of equivalent result using tools like python fastICA library.

Best Answer

I found working out an ICA problem (a simple one about unmixing audios) for the Stanford cs229 course very helpful in understanding its inner working. The basics of ICA isn't that complicated.

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