Solved – Number of trees for Random Forest optimization using recursive feature elimination

feature selectionmachine learningrrandom forest

How many trees would you suggest to pick to perform recursive feature elimination (RFE) in order to optimize Random Forest classifier (for binary classification problem). My dataset is very high-dimensional (> 200 000 features), and I usually select ~ 10 000 trees while running a classification without feature selection. But I am just wondering whether it is enough to set it as ~ 500-1000 for RFE in order to save time and RAM.

I use 'randomForest' and 'caret' R-packages if it makes any difference.

Best Answer

Optimizing ntree and mtry (above mtry=sqrt(#features) and ntree large enough for stabilization of OOB) is a dangerous area -- you need hard core nested cross-validation to be safe from overfitting, so you may end up doing more computations that you are trying to avoid.

I would say the better idea is not to use RFE -- with 200k features it will have terrible requirements and a minor chance to be stable. Instead, you can use some all-relevant RF wrapper like ACE or Boruta -- the set returned is likely to be larger than minimal-optimal, but still way smaller then the original and thus easier to be treated with RFE.

And remember to validate the feature selection regardless of the method (=

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