Solved – Number of neurons in the output layer

machine learningneural networks

In a classification problem, how do you decide on the number of output neurons you have in your neural network? Is the number of neurons equal to the number of classes you have?

Is there a limit on the total number of output neurons that you can have in the output layer? My network seems to have thousands of output neurons. What are the disadvantages of having a large number of neurons?

Best Answer

I am a total novice to this, but my understanding is the following:

input layer - one neuron per input (feature), these are not typical neurons but simply pass the data through to the next layer

hidden layers - simplest structure is to have one neuron in the hidden layer, but deep networks have many neurons and many hidden layers.

output layer - this is the final hidden layer and should have as many neurons as there are outputs to the classification problem. For instance:

  • regression - may have a single neuron
  • binary classification - Single neuron with an activation function
  • multi-class classification - Multiple neurons, one for each class, and a Softmax function to output the proper class based on the probabilities of the input belonging to each class.


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