Solved – Normality test: descriptive vs inferential


Is normality test conducted to check sample normality or population normality, most of the times normality test is required to validate the assumptions of parametric test i.e. the population distribution is normal.

We have descriptive normality tests like
histogram, QQ plot and other graphical methods
Skewness and kurtosis numerical measures

Then the inferential methods the Shapiro-Wilk, Anderson-Darling, KS etc

Why would one perform normality test on sample for descriptive results, most of the hypothesis test talks about population being normal which means inferential methods should be used?

Wondering if something is amiss in my understanding.

I am puzzled why and how descriptives are necessary.

Best Answer

The normality tests are conducted on a sample to test if the sample was drawn from a normal population.

Why would you want 'descriptive' methods like plotting an histogram or a QQ plot? Because sometimes the tests can just be 'wrong' and you have to check visually. Remember that in any goodness of fit test, you don't want to reject $H_0$, but if, for example, you have a very large sample size, the power (the probability of rejecting a false null hypothesis) of the test could be too high and you'll find yourself rejecting $H_0$ with a very high probability (because of small deviations), even if the data is not really that different from the theoretical distribution. If that is the case, a histogram with a QQ Plot may help you in deciding that you can work as if the sample was drawn from a normal distribution.

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