Solved – Normal Distribution – finding mean

normal distributionself-study

I'm studying Statistical Methods and trying to revise for the upcoming exam. Looking at the past exam paper, there is a question:

 X ~ N (µ, 10²), and P ( X > 50) = 0.9, find µ

I've only before done the calculations finding z = (x – mean)/standard deviation
and looking at the values from the Normal distribution function table. I have no idea how to approach this question. Any help would be much appreciated.

Best Answer

Let us suppose that the variance is 100. Then the standard deviation is 10.

P$(X>50)$=P($X-mu>50-mu)$=P($(X-mu)/10 > (50-mu)/10)$=

P$(Z> (50-mu)/10)$=0.9.

So now you can go to the standard normal table and find what value of Z say a gives


After you find a you solve for mu by setting $(50-mu)/10$ = a and then solving for $ mu$.