Nonparametric Equivalent of ANCOVA for Continuous Dependent Variables


I have an independent categorical variable ($X$ with two categories, $x_{1}$ and $x_{2}$) and two continuous dependent variables ($y$ and $z$).

Using a Mann Whitney test, I know that $y$ is significantly associated with $x_{1}$ and $z$ is likewise significantly associated with $x_{1}$. However, it could be that either $y$ confounds the relationship seen between $x_{1}$ and $z$, or vice versa, i.e. $z$ confounds the relationship seen between $x_{1}$ and $y$.

What distribution-free tests can I use to try account for each factor in tests of $y$ versus $X$ and $z$ versus $X$?

How can I achieve this in R and SPSS?

Best Answer

Turning my comment to an answer, the sm package offers non-parametric ANCOVA as sm.ancova. Here is a toy example:

data(anorexia, package="MASS")
anorexia$Treat <- relevel(anorexia$Treat , ref="Cont") 
# visual check for the parallel group assumption
xyplot(Postwt ~ Prewt, data=anorexia, groups=Treat, aspect="iso", type=c("p","r"),
       auto.key=list(space="right", lines=TRUE, points=FALSE))
# fit two nested models (equal and varying slopes across groups)
anorex.aov0 <- aov(Postwt ~ Prewt + Treat, data=anorexia) # ≈ lm(Postwt ~ Prewt + Treat + offset(Prewt), data=anorexia)
anorex.aov1 <- aov(Postwt ~ Prewt * Treat, data=anorexia) 
# check if we need the interaction term
anova(anorex.aov0, anorex.aov1)

enter image description here

The above shows that the parallel group assumption is not realistic and that we must account for the interaction (p=0.007) between the factor group and continuous covariate.

Here is what we would get with sm.ancova, with default smoothing parameter and equal-group as the reference model:

> with(anorexia, <- sm.ancova(Prewt, Postwt, Treat, model="equal"))
Test of equality :  h =  1.90502    p-value =  0.0036 
Band available only to compare two groups.

enter image description here

There is another R package for non-parametric ANCOVA (I haven't tested it, though): fANCOVA, with T.aov allowing to test for the equality of nonparametric curves or surfaces based on an ANOVA-type statistic.

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