Non-Parametric Test Equivalent to Mixed ANOVA – Methods and Applications

anovanonparametricrepeated measures

I have an experiment with two groups under different conditions where a single dependent variable is measured repeatedly at multiple times. It seems the right parametric test to use here is two-factor mixed ANOVA:

"A mixed ANOVA compares the mean differences between groups that have
been split on two "factors" (also known as independent variables),
where one factor is a "within-subjects" factor and the other factor is
a "between-subjects" factor."

However, my data is strongly non-normal (and some of the dependent variables are ordinal anyway).

What is a non-parametric equivalent test to two-factor mixed ANOVA?

Best Answer

One of the standard techniques in such situations are due to Brunner and Langer [1]. These non-parametric mixed-effects models can deal with multiple within-subject factors and some between subject factor. In some fields (e.g. dental medicine), there are very popular. In R, they are implemented in the nparLD package.

[1] Brunner E, Domhof S, Langer F (2002). Nonparametric Analysis of longitudinal Data in Factorial Experiments. John Wiley & Sons, New York.

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