Solved – non equal variances alternative for kruskal wallis anova

kruskal-wallis test”nonparametricordinal-dataregression-strategiesspss

I have a dataset with a total of about 6 groups set up, and there is a minimum of n=150-200 samples per group. Now when I look at the data, its not normally distributed, and the variances are not equal. (eg, smallest standard deviation is 20 and the largest is 60 or simlar). The data is a function of counts, eg. how many times a player jumped during a game.

Now, if there were two groups I'd do a two sample KS test. However, since there are 6 groups, I am wondering if the lack of homogeneous variances will affect my test result if I perform a Kruskal Wallis ANOVA?

In other words, is homogeneity of variances a strict requirement that must be fulfilled for a Kruskal Wallis one way ANOVA?

Or am I wrong in using this test, and there is something else which I have not thought of?

EDIT: I am working with SPSS

EDIT2: Saw this and tried doing it with GLM, but in the end when looking at the model, it ends up being an ANOVA

Best Answer

To be optimal, the proportional odds assumption must be satisfied for K-W. This is often a weaker assumption than constant variance. To check the assumption, compute the empirical distribution function for each of the 6 groups, take the $\log\frac{p}{1-p}$ transformation of it, and plot this on the $y$-axis vs. the original values on the $x$ axis; check for parallelism.

K-W can be valid (though without optimal power) if the prop. odds assumption is violated, if you are careful in how $P$-values are computed.