Solved – Non-Bayesian alternatives to maximum likelihood estimators and method of moment estimators when there’s only one observation

estimationmaximum likelihoodmethod of momentsreferences

When trying to estimate the parameters of a known distribution, it might occur that the maximum likelihood estimator and the method of moment estimator don't work well when there's only one observation.

What are some good non-Bayesian alternatives to maximum likelihood estimators and method of moment estimators if there's only one observation?

Best Answer

Are you interested in prediction or inference? If you actually know the distribution (which in practice you never do, except for binary data), there are classical results that show you can't really beat the MLE if your sample size is reasonable. With small sample sizes, penalized likelihoods can do well for prediction, such as the Elastic Net.

Also, you don't have to be a Bayesian in order to use Bayesian methods. All Bayesian methods have frequentist properties (confidence intervals, p-values and the like), but they can be difficult to compute. Frank Samaniego, from ucdavis, has a lot of nice theoretical results on this issue.

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