Solved – Newey-West standard errors with cross-sectional OLS

cross-sectionestimatorsleast squaresneweyweststandard error

Consider the cross sectional:

$Y_i = a + b X_i + e_i$

where I have reason to believe that $E[e_j e_k] \not= 0$ for a concerning number of $j\not= k$.

What happens if I use a serial correlation robust standard error here (such as Newey West)? Is it okay to do so even though, of course, I have no serial correlation in my data, yet I have dependence? Will Newey West correct for the fact that I have non-zero non-diagonal elements of my variance-covariance matrix?

Best Answer

Newey-West standard errors are asymptotically consistent, meaning that the estimated variance-covariance matrix should converge to the true one.

Why do you suspect that you have non-zero off-diagonal elements of your true variance covariance matrix? Newey-West usually assumes that the rows of your model matrix are ordered from earliest to latest observations and the size of the correlation is inversely related to the number of rows apart the observations are. Is this consistent with the correlation structure that you envision for your data?

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