Solved – Neural networks with complex weights

gradient descentmachine learningneural networks

I am currently wishing to give a neural network starting weights with complex values (because of the nature of the specific task I am working with). I was trying to use the standard neural net libraries from scikit learn and the optimization functions it uses do not work with complex numbers. Thus I am confronting the following problem:

Optimize a function numerically $f(z)$ where $z \in \mathbb{C} $ .

I am doing this via numerical packages (specifically scipy in python) and I have noticed that all the optimization methods in this package are tailored to only functions of domain in $\mathbb{R}$. I Played around for a bit with the complex optimization problem and at first sight it just seems like numerically optimizing a function of two variables since $z = (x,y) \equiv z = x + iy$ .

I am aware that the definition of an analytic function is more rigorous than that of a real differentiable function in the sense that it should be differential from all directions $\Delta z = (\Delta x, \Delta y)$ so things become a bit more complicated. Given the situation above how can one approach the task of numerical optimization on a function of complex domain? Are there any standard routines for this ?

Are there any works/ standard methods for neural networks and gradient descent with complex weights ?

Best Answer

Gradient Descent will work in your case. You can use Theano. It supports differentiation with respect to complex variables. You can check this link if you need more information. One important note is that your error function needs to return a scalar.

I'm not quit sure that other algorithms like Conjugate gradient or quasi-Newton will work fine for complex numbers. If you want to implement other learning algorithms, you will need to verify their proves to make sure that they are possible as well.

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