Solved – Neural network regression with confidence interval implemented with Keras

deep learningkerasneural networksregression

When using neural network for classification problem, and using softmax as last layer for last layer.

Typically, we have a prediction and a confidence level. However, is there such confidence interval measure for neural network regression problem?

Best Answer

You would have to output vectors of means and standard deviations rather than discrete values to achieve that.

One solution to get those vectors would be variational inference - generate those, sample w/reparametrization, then optimize so the results of the sampling match the original values like in normal regression (i.e. MSE/MAPE/MAE/whatever loss) and regularize the means and stddev to 0/1 respectively.

Essentially the same process as a vanilla Variational Autoencoder, except you're not bound by the Autoencoder architecture, and you want the means/stddevs as the outputs of the trained network rather than the sampled values.

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