Solved – Multiple Linear Regression Zero Conditional Mean Assumption

econometricsinferencemultiple regression

Greene [1] and Wooldridge [2] emphasize that in the standard multiple linear regression model
$${\bf y}=X{\bf b}+{\bf e}$$
a key assumption is that
$$E[{\bf e}|X]=E[{\bf e}].$$
Or, in other words, $X$ provide no information about the expected value of ${\bf e}$. Provided that we include an intercept in the model, this assumption will be equivalent to
$$E[{\bf e}|X]=E[{\bf e}]={\bf 0}.$$
Wooldridge call it zero conditional mean assumption.

On the other hand, Gelman and Hill [3 (p. 46 kindle edition)] list the assumptions of linear regression in order of importance as

  1. Validity
  2. Additivity and linearity
  3. Independence of errors
  4. Equal variance of errors (for the efficiency of the estimator)
  5. Normality of errors (for small sample inference of variance of the estimator).

Note that, at this point in the book Gelmen and Hill have not discussed the use of linear regression as a tool for causal inference yet. In the discussion of causal inference, in chapter 9, they introduce ignorability assumption that
$$y_0, y_1 ⊥ T | X.$$
The ignorability assumption seems to be closely related to zero conditional mean assumption.

The Questions

  1. Why Gelman and Hill did not include zero conditional mean at the begining?
  2. How can we interprete OLS estimator of ${\bf b}$ when zero conditional mean is violated?


[1] Greene, William, 2008, Econometric Analysis, 6th Edition, Pearson.

[2] Wooldridge, Jeffery, 2015, Introductory Econometrics, 6th Edition, Cengage Learning.

[3] Gelman, Andrew, and Jennifer Hill, 2007, Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models, Cambridge University Press.

Best Answer

I'll start with your second question as it will inform the answer to the first.

enter image description here

Note the distinction between regression coefficients and structural causal model coefficients. The former is what you get when you run a regression - always. Only under specific circumstances would the regression coefficients have a causal interpretation, or in other words, only under specific circumstances will the regression coefficients coincide with the coefficients in the structural causal model. What are these specific circumstances? A necessary condition is the zero conditional mean assumption (pertaining to the structural errors), discussed by Wooldridge and Greene. Or the ignorability assumption discussed by Gelman and Hill. The latter is once again a necessary assumption for the regression coefficients to have a causal interpretation, it is just described in a different context - that of potential outcomes. The zero conditional mean assumption and the ignorability assumption, also called selection on observables, and also called CIA [Conditional Independence Assumption] (in Mostly Harmless Econometrics) are two sides of the same coin. Chen & Pearl said with reference to Greene's book "In summary, while Greene provides the most detailed account of potential outcomes and counterfactuals of all the authors surveyed, his failure to acknowledge the oneness of the potential outcomes and structural equation frameworks is likely to cause more confusion than clarity, especially in view of the current debate between two antagonistic and narrowly focused schools of econometric research (See Pearl 2009, p. 379-380)."

So, to answer your question. If the zero conditional mean assumption (with regards to the structural errors) is violated then the regression coefficients will not coincide with those of the structural model; in other words, the regression coefficients will not have a causal interpretation.

enter image description here

Because they chose to describe the conditions necessary for the coefficients to have a causal interpretation in the context of potential outcomes. Just the other side of the same coin.

For more detail on the difference between regression and structural causal model, see Carlos Cinelli's answer here and here.