Solved – Multiple Chi-Squared Tests

categorical datachi-squared-testlogisticmultiple-comparisons

I have cross classified data in a 2 x 2 x 6 table. Let's call the dimensions response, A and B. I fit a logistic regression to the data with the model response ~ A * B. An analysis of deviance of that model says that both terms and their interaction are significant.

However, looking at the proportions of the data, it looks like only 2 or so levels of B are responsible for these significant effects. I would like to test to see which levels are the culprits. Right now, my approach is to perform 6 chi-squared tests on 2 x 2 tables of response ~ A, and then to adjust the p-values from those tests for multiple comparisons (using the Holm adjustment).

My question is whether there is a better approach to this problem. Is there a more principled modeling approach, or multiple chi-squared test comparison approach?

Best Answer

You should look into "partitioning chi-squared". This is similar in logic to performing post-hoc tests in ANOVA. It will allow you to determine whether your significant overall test is primarily attributable to differences in particular categories or groups of categories.

A quick google turned up this presentation, which at the end discusses methods for partitioning chi-squared.