Solved – Multinomial logistic regression with geepack in R


I am working on fitting a GEE model to a multinomial logistic outcome using the R package geepack. My understanding is that the package uses glm to fit the formula. However, from what I can see, glm doesn't have a family for a multinomial outcome, just binomial. How do you go about fitting a multinomial logistic equation using gee in R?

Best Answer

Try using the R package glmnet. It has very good documentation, it is the state of the art and certainly does multinomial regression. I have noticed some of these packages expect you to figure out cross validation yourself. In that sense, glmnet is nice. The cv function does it for you.

Besides I don't know what algorithm GEE uses (I haven't looked into it, they probably do the newer methods as is). Some older packages resort to Interior Point Methods which was state of the art at the time but has since become outdated.

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