Solved – Multinomial logistic regression: Interpretation of odds ratios as relative risks


In the context of an epidemiological study, a multinomial regression analysis was used to obtain odds ratios for an outcome variable with four different categories.

proc logistic data=ha8  descending; 
class gp    (ref='1')/ param=ref;
model gp = BMI_A2/link=glogit;                  

For example we got results as follows (the values are fictional):

  • 1.4 is the multinomial logit estimate for a one unit increase in BMI (continuous) for group 4 relative to group 1. If a subject were to increase his BMI by one point, the multinomial log-odds for group 4 relative to group 1 would be expected to increase by 40%.
  • 1.3 is the multinomial logit estimate for a one unit increase in BMI (continuous) for group 3 relative to group 1. If a subject were to increase his BMI by one point, the multinomial log-odds for group 3 relative to group 1 would be expected to increase by 30%.
  • 1.2 is the multinomial logit estimate for a one unit increase in BMI (continuous) for group 2 relative to group 1. If a subject were to increase his BMI by one point, the multinomial log-odds for group 2 relative to group 1 would be expected to increase by 20%.

Which conditions are necessary in order to interpret odds ratios obtained from this multinomial logistic regression, as relative risks?

Many thanks!

Best Answer

The safe thing is to never interpret odds ratios as risk ratios. If you want risk ratios use a log link function and check if that models is reasonable. I don't know how to extend that to more than two outcome categories.